A working office, is essential for mission work.
A Provincial RCM Coordinator will be appointed, who will be assisted by an administrative staff.
The RCM coordinator must be passionate about reaching the unreached. This is because you cannot give what you do not have.
An Administrative staff will be responsible for:
  • -          General Student Welfare
  • -          Daily running of the Office
  • -          Bank payment & reconciliation
  • -          Organising field trips
  • -          All grass root mission work before and after the field trips
  • -          Settling down missionaries Student on the field
  • -          Welfare of missionary Student on Industrial Training (IT) from RCM Ede
  • -          Running errands
  • -          Sending text messages/making phone calls to students.

The Admin officer will be paid every month. About N5,000 is also spent on office runs and phone calls monthly.
-          Data cards and Bulk SMS is also purchased monthly to communicate with the students.


  1. Can someone without education apply?

  2. I am interested. I live in Lagos state. Are there centers around that I can attend? I will be glad to hear from you

  3. I am interested. I live in Lagos state. Are there centers around that I can attend? I will be glad to hear from you
